How to Register an LLC Online in Michigan

Registering a business online in Michigan is a simple process. It costs $50 and can be completed online using the following instructions:

  1. Search for the name you want to use here: The name of the LLC must be unique. However, you can “Do Business As” (DBA) using a different name from the LLC. For instructions on how to register a DBA click here:
  2. Once you have identified a name register the business online by going to
  3. At the top of the page, you will see the message “If you are forming a new entity, click here.” Click the link.
  4. This will bring you to the “Corporations Online Filing System”. Select the type of corporation you want to form. Most small business owners today form a Limited Liability Company or LLC for short. If that’s what you’d like to form, select the top option “DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, 700 – ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION”
  5. Complete the online LLC form. It’s not as complicated as it looks.
    1. Enter the name of your LLC
    2. Leave blank
    3. Enter “perpetual” or leave blank
    4. Enter your name/mailing address
    5. Leave the next two boxes “effective date” and “additional provisions” empty unless you have a reason to use them.
    6. Add your signature
    7. Enter your name and address again
    8. Select your turnaround time, and click “review”
    9. Review your details and enter your payment information.

That’s all there is to it!

****Disclaimer! I’m not an attorney! This is not legal advice!****